Rabu, 17 Juni 2015

curiculum vitae

 Pondok ungu permai Blok. KK 2 No.3
Bekasi 17125

June 12, 2015

Personnel Manager
Jln. M.H Thamrin 56-58
Jakarta 10001

Dear Sirs,

I would like to apply for the post of accountant officer that Blue Skye Export-Import advertised in today’s Jakarta Times.

As you can see in my curriculum vitae, my education and my works experience have given me excellent skill as accountant.

I enclose my curriculum vitae and would like be glad to meet you for an interview any day after 19 June.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Putu Ayu Niken .S

Enc : Curiculum Vitae


Putu Ayu Niken .S

Date of birth               : June 23, 1993
Age                             : 22
Nationality                  : Indonesia
Home address             : Pondok Ungu permai Blok. Kk 2 No.3
                                    Bekasi 17125
Marital status              : Single
Education                    : Elementary School
                                      Junior High School
                                      Senior High School
                                      Gunadarma University of Economic Management
Activities                     : College of Economic Management in Gunadarma University
Work experience         : -
Skills                           : Typing, Word Processor, Accounting Management
Reference                    : Forwarded upon request
Interest                                    : Accounting
Language                    : Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English

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